Driving Without Insurance Is Expensive
You know, it might be tempting to drop some bills when times are tight. If you plan to save a few dollars by dropping your car insurance, you could be making a really expensive mistake. Each US state has rules about that sort of thing and they are getting a lot tougher about enforcing those rules. You might get away with it for a little while, but you are unlikely to escape notice for very long. Think long and hard before dropping your required minimum liability car insurance.
Some states, like California, have reduced rate programs for people with low incomes. You might call your state insurance board or local agent and explain your situation. Your agent might also be able to help you come up with some bare bones coverage to tide you over until you get your finances back on track. For example, many people's policies have lots of different types of auto coverage included, and maybe you don't need some many. For some help understanding that, you might refer to this article on BestQuoteUS about types of auto insurance coverage: http://bestquoteus.com/types-of-auto-insurance/
Your last resort is probably to try and find some alternative transportation until you can settle up with an insurer for the basic required coverage. You might be able to find a sympathetic buddy or coworker who can help you get to work in exchange for a a favor.favors. This is inconvenient, but not as inconvenient as losing your car, paying fines, or even getting slapped with an auto damage or personal injury lawsuit.
In case you are interested, here are some facts about uninsured motorists by state and the truth about who actually pays for drivers without insurance by BestQuoteUS.com. The reality is that everybody pays in the end because of higher auto insurance rates and the potential for heavy penalties.
You know, it might be tempting to drop some bills when times are tight. If you plan to save a few dollars by dropping your car insurance, you could be making a really expensive mistake. Each US state has rules about that sort of thing and they are getting a lot tougher about enforcing those rules. You might get away with it for a little while, but you are unlikely to escape notice for very long. Think long and hard before dropping your required minimum liability car insurance.
- If you get caught driving without insurance, you will be penalized. These vary by location but can include fines, loss of your vehicle registration and driver's license, and maybe even jail time. See some state penalties for driving uninsured.
- Some cities impound uninsured vehicles. In order to get your car back, you have to pay fines, storage costs, and still produce proof of coverage.
- Finally, you should understand that the lack of coverage will not get you off the hook for any damages or injuries you might cause. It is a lot easier to settle a a case when you have an insurer behind you than when you don't.
Some states, like California, have reduced rate programs for people with low incomes. You might call your state insurance board or local agent and explain your situation. Your agent might also be able to help you come up with some bare bones coverage to tide you over until you get your finances back on track. For example, many people's policies have lots of different types of auto coverage included, and maybe you don't need some many. For some help understanding that, you might refer to this article on BestQuoteUS about types of auto insurance coverage: http://bestquoteus.com/types-of-auto-insurance/
Your last resort is probably to try and find some alternative transportation until you can settle up with an insurer for the basic required coverage. You might be able to find a sympathetic buddy or coworker who can help you get to work in exchange for a a favor.favors. This is inconvenient, but not as inconvenient as losing your car, paying fines, or even getting slapped with an auto damage or personal injury lawsuit.
In case you are interested, here are some facts about uninsured motorists by state and the truth about who actually pays for drivers without insurance by BestQuoteUS.com. The reality is that everybody pays in the end because of higher auto insurance rates and the potential for heavy penalties.
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